FrågaARBETSRÄTTÖvrigt 12/07/2017

Arbetsgivares krav för anställning

Hi! I am an English speaking person, therefore the question is on English.

I saw many job announcements where a job giver formulates requirements like this: egen bil är ett krav , or you have to have your own car if I understand this well. Is that even legal? How can they require you to have a car, even if they will maybe pay for fuel etc. Because it is usually written that you have to fulfil those requirements to even be considered for a position. It feels like for example, hej, we need a cook, but a requirement is that you have your own pots to cook in! Nonsense! This with a car is discrimination, owning a car is not a skill. Driving is!

Thank you for the help.

Lawline svarar

Hi, and thank you for using Lawline!

Legal definition of discrimination
A simplified explanation of the legal definition of discrimination is when a person is treated disfavourably or when a person's dignity is violated (read more here). The disfavourable treatment or the violation of a person's dignity also has to be related to one of seven grounds to be covered by the legal definition of discrimination. These grounds are according to the discrimination law: sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation and age.

This means that not owning a car is not covered by the legal definition of discrimination. Requiring a car in a job announcement is therefore legal. With that being said, I understand your frustration to the fullest and hope that you can find a solution, unfortunately for you not through the discrimination law.

Kind regards,

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