FrågaKOMMERSIELL RÄTTÖvrigt28/12/2006

Limitation of invoice (fordringspreskription)

Hello, question: I had a house in Sigtuna July 2001 to April 2003. I never got an invoice for the used electricity, only for the fixed costs. Can Fortum send me an invoice 2 years later? Where in the \\\'el-lagen\\\' is this regulated? Thanks, Bas

Lawline svarar

Hello. Invoices gets limitated after three years if a company claims money from a consumer. This means that three years after the origin of the invoice the company no longer can claim payment for the invoice. This is regulated in 2§ “Preskriptionslagen” (which means “The law about limitation of claims”). Unfortunately Fortums claim is still legaly guility. Therefore I´d recommend you to pay the invoice. With regards
Ola DavidssonRådgivare
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