Rätt till stöd i förskolan (svar på engelska)

Hi, sir/madam,

our förskolans chef refuses to execute the special intensive training program offered to our child with special needs (signed by Autismcenter and chef itself), explaining that it`s kommuns decision, while kommune says opposite. According to skolverket:

9 § Barn som av fysiska, psykiska eller andra skäl behöver

särskilt stöd i sin utveckling ska ges det stöd som deras

speciella behov kräver.

Om det genom uppgifter från förskolans personal, ett barn

eller ett barns vårdnadshavare eller på annat sätt framkommer

att ett barn är i behov av särskilt stöd, ska förskolechefen

se till att barnet ges sådant stöd.

What we can do to protect our childs rights to get a care needs ?

Lawline svarar

Dear Ilona,
thank you for your question.

I will write this answer in English.

The text you are referring to is found in the Swedish Education Act (2010:800), Chapter 8, Article 9. The provision clearly states that "förskolechefen", similar to the headmaster in a school, has a special responsibility to give children with special needs what they require. What this support should look like is discussed with the personnel and the legal guardians (prop. 2009/10:165 p. 713).

What the child is in need of should guide the decisions. Every decision by "förskolechefen" must be preceded by careful educational consideration (prop. 2009/10:165 p. 350).

I suggest that you speak to "förskolechefen" and point out his or hers responsibility, see above. If nothing in the matter happens, you can notify the Swedish School Inspectorate about the situation. For information and possibility to complain online see here.

Best regards

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